Check In | 12:00 pm |
Check Out | 12:00 pm |
Hotel Policies |
RestrictionsGuests below 18 years of age are not allowed at the property.
Passport, Aadhar, Driving License and Govt. ID are accepted as ID proof(s)
Pets are not allowed.
Guest ProfileUnmarried couples allowed
Groups with only male guests are not allowed at this property
Guests below 18 years of age are not allowed at the property.
ID Proof RelatedLocal ids not allowed
Passport, Aadhar, Driving License and Govt. ID are accepted as ID proof(s)
Food ArrangementOutside food is allowed
In room dining not available
Non veg food is allowed
Food Delivery is available
Smoking/Alcohol consumption RulesSmoking within the premises is allowed
Alcohol consumption is not allowed within the property premises.
Pet(s) RelatedPets are not allowed.
There are no pets living on the property
Property AccessibilityThis property is not accessible to guests who use a wheelchair. Please make arrangements accordingly.
Other RulesDoes not allow private parties or events
Guests are requested not to invite outside visitors in the room during their stay.
Guest Profile (Hourly)Unmarried couples are not allowed in hourly stay rooms
Child & Extra Bed PolicyNo extra bed will be provided to accommodate any child included in the booking.
No extra bed will be provided to accommodate any additional guest included in the booking.